CRG Event 2018 - Itinerary

Tuesday 19 June 2018 – exhibitors only

06.00 - 14.00
Exhibition build (contractors)

14.00 - 20.00
‘Get in’ for exhibitors

Wednesday 20 June 2018 – all attendees

From 7.00am
Final preparation for exhibitors - Hall 2, Lower Level, ACC Liverpool

From 08.30
Registration for CRG members – Main entrance, ACC Liverpool  

Welcome to CRG Event - Room 3, Upper Level, ACC Liverpool       

Exhibition opens, Hall 2, Lower Level, ACC Liverpool

13.00 - 14.50
Supplier demo programme

Exhibition closes

15.30 - 19.00
‘Get out’ for exhibitors

15.30 - 16.45
An audience with Jay Rayner - Room 3, Upper Level, ACC Liverpool                          

19.00 - 21.30
Tapas, drinks & networking at Revolucion de Cuba, Albert Dock, Liverpool

21.00 - 21.30
Mini bus/coach transfer (shuttle service) to Cavern Club

22.00 - 00.30
After party at the Cavern Club, featuring the Cavern Club Beatles in the Cavern Live Lounge
VIP Lounge, Revolucion de Cuba

Cavern Club bar closes • Mini bus/coach transfer (shuttle service) back to hotels

Cavern Club closes